Patient Information

New patient paperwork – Hulen (2941 Oak Park Circle – Hulen area office)
New patient paperwork – Fairmount (1201 Fairmount Avenue – Fort Worth Medical District office)
Sleep Study Instructions

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Included in this paperwork are the following forms: Introductory letter, map, patient registration form, patient health questionnaire, sleep questionnaire, sleep diary, assessment of patient behavior by bed partner, registration form, and consent to release patient health information.


We work by an appointment system, with one or more of the doctors in the office each day. In-depth sleep and general health questionnaires and a sleep diary of sleep and awake times are completed before the first visit. These are reviewed at the time of the initial evaluation and provide important information to the doctor.

If you need a referral from your primary care physician, please make sure that you bring this at the time of the appointment, or that our office has it before your scheduled appointment. Your promptness in keeping appointments is appreciated. Please call ahead if you will be late or require any change in appointment times.

Rarely does our Texas weather preclude opening the office. If ice or snow is on the streets, please listen to the area school closings. If Fort Worth Independent School District is closed, the Fort Worth offices will also be closed. If there are any questions, please call the office before keeping an appointment if the weather is questionable.


NON-EMERGENCIES: For non-emergency calls, you should contact the office during regular office hours (9 a.m. to 4 p.m. week days). Questions and concerns should be described briefly so the appropriate staff will be notified and return your call. Please do not wait until 4:30 on Friday evening to call if you are having problems.

EMERGENCIES: One of the doctors is on call for emergencies and may be reached by dialing the office number, 817-332-7433. If your emergency occurs during the working hours, it will be triaged by the staff; they will contact a doctor promptly and await instructions; you will be called as soon as instructions are received. After hours your call will be forwarded to the answering service. The on-call doctor will be notified and will call you as soon as possible. If your emergency is of adequate concern to you or your family, dial 911 or go to the emergency room.


Smoking is NOT allowed within our office or in the sleep laboratories.


We accept most insurance assignments including Medicare; however, co-payments for each office visit are due at the time service is provided. Benefits are verified prior to scheduling of sleep studies (nocturnal polysomnograms) and you will be notified of the findings. We would request your assistance with any problems that may arise concerning policy limitations, coverage limits, or nonpayment.

You are encouraged to ask questions and obtain information concerning your charges. Statements are provided on a monthly basis. We accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover cards, cash and personal checks on all outstanding balances.